Just an update :)

Alhamdulillah.. so far this blog has been a very incredible help to beginners out there. God bless you all :) Hopefully we will have an increasing potential rabbit lovers/breeders.

We not only just care for rabbits, but we care them in a right way. Sales is just like a sidekick. hehe. Anyways, its a rainy afternoon. keep your rabbits safe in their cage okay? or they might get flu.. kesiaaan :(

So talk about something off the page, whats going on around us today? School has been started, yes. And my holiday is getting to an end. Semester 4 starts next week. I hope nothing but to get better grades. just that. hehe.

But hey, my last semester's was not bad though. Alhamdulillah.. All the efforts done paid off :D thanks to dear darling Eyai for everysinglething!

And oh, O'level results are out soon. Mudahaan all my students do well. Amin amin amin :) And.. a sister's wedding, EI, is coming up this Jan and a brother's wedding, W, the following month. whewh! haha. kanchangg tu eee. Not to forget 3 or maybe 4 *i lose count haha* of our does MAYBE pregnant. So we're expecting more and more baby rabbits soon! woohoo. *pengsan* hahaha.

Now lets talk about the happenings in our barn. All the does are doing well and are pregnant. Although Guppa macam.. pregnant maen2. haha. Bella is as active as ever. Meww is doing fine.. just chillin' enjoying the rain. hehe. Chills.

The bucks.. hm.. lets see. From far end, Lilo and Mello are doing very good. MIB ne durang aah. MAKAN INDA BERANTI. hehe. Lyon.. is fine. and so is Otter. Bahagia ya sudah since nada si Gulla the Gangster. Nada dangannya bekelaiee. haha. Gulla was sold to a man yesterday. We hope he has a great new home there :)

Gucci is as kambang as ever. haha. joke. I loveee him. so manja. Twinkle is getting healthier.. wehee. he was sick days ago. sadd. He didnt eat well and he didnt poop either. we were so worried. Solution, we dissolved the pellet with water and add some vitamin. Then darling Eyai fed him. Since then, he's alhamdulillah getting fine. He eats well now. && poop ya sudahh. haha. Pooping is very important, okayyy :)

Carlo is getting better. he had a fever.. and got very skinny. now the fur is getting longer and he gains some weight. Alhamdulillah.. *Showered blessings*

Dear Rino is going to be taken away later and moves to a new home. Feels a bit sad, but im sure he is going to be taken care very well. He's doing just great btw :D and he has been a very great companion :') *emo mode* hahaha.

Thats all for our rabbits in barn. Inside the house we keep the 'precious' ones. haha. All the imported pure breeds. There are.. *counts in head* 5 of them plus 2 kitten :) Gawd i so soon have memory problem. aha.

Coco is super active. Bisiiing ne ia ah. Lumpat2 saja. hehe. Very playful. & she may or may not be pregnant. The pregnancy is almost a week overdue. So if by the mid of the month she's still not giving birth, we're going to mate her again with Vico.

Vico and Teddy are both doing fine. Isabelle is getting better, like seriously. haha. She eats A LOT now. She was not well due to 'bullied' by rats :( when we bought her from M. We intentionally did because we believe we could help dear Isabelle. So at the very night the day we bought her, darling Eyai had all his secret weapons ready to cure and groom her. She's now prettierrr. haha. Not to brag, but he had done a superb wuperb duperb job. xx!

Last is our dear Ruby and her kits, Snow and Smokie. They all are doing well indeed. The kits are very very very playful. masuk keluar nestbox sudah durang lumpati. sama macam mommynya. NAKAL. haha. Lari saja lagi tu round2 cage. Lajuu. haha. cuba taah bubut durang ane, konfom kapus2 tu lehnya. hahaha :D

So, I will update more facts and tips in later post yeah. Cheers. Have a nice day, all :D

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